
12 June 2015

Customer survey for development of a new Big Bike Insurance Program

Global Insurance Broker Co., Ltd. in Pattaya, Thailand is working on a new Insurance Program for Big Bikes with one of our cooperation partners, a well known international insurance company.

As the insurance market and the lifestyle of many foreigners living in Thailand, but mostly of the Thai People is changing in a massive and very fast way, we see the need of a insurance product to serve the enormously growing market of Big Bikes of all brands.

All existing products have shortfalls in cover, no-claim-bonuses or age of bikes. Modifications are difficult to insure. Deductibles are not flexible.

We are now working on an insurance scheme to fit this needs of bikers all over the country. We cordially invite all bikers to drop us an email and to note your wishes and expectations for a new outstanding product to cover your bike in Thailand and maybe on your road trips in the surrounding countries.

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